( Mainly Questions only )

What is new ? Longer Resource IDs.
What is changing? Longer resource ID
Will I need to upgrade to a new version of AWS SDKs or CLI?
      Some PHP , CLI, Boto upgrade needed.
What will the new identifier format  look like?
  identifier>-<17 characters>, i-1234567890abcdef0, snap-1234567890abcdef0
Why is this change necessary?
  To facilitate expansion and growth.
How does this impact me?
  If using older SDK, CLI. Or using regex, or storing id in database field with fixed length.
Will it affect existing  resources? No.
When will this happen ? Expected to be over by Dec 2016
What are the opt in options?

Q: What is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)?
Q: What can I do with Amazon EC2?
Q: How can I get started with Amazon EC2?
Q: Why am I asked to verify my phone number when signing up for Amazon EC2?
Q: What can developers now do that they could not before?
Q: How do I run systems in the Amazon EC2 environment?    
Can run instance using EBS boot partition as well. ON instance stop this data is preserved.
Q: What is the difference between using the local instance store and Amazon Elastic Block storage (Amazon EBS) for the root device?
 When you launch EC2 instance there is option of storing root devise data on instance store or on an EBS . If on EBS , instance can be started and shut down just like a laptop. If instance store used the data won't persist after shut down, An in expensive way. Some companies use this option to run large web sites where each instance is a clone to handle large web traffic,
Q: How quickly will systems be running?  Couple of minutes depending on lot of factors.
Q: How do I load and store my systems with Amazon EC2? 
AMI is a packaged up environment and instance configuration to get started quickly. AMIs are units of deployment. Bundle the AMIs in the EBS or S3 and AWS can boot from there.
Q: How do I access my systems?
Q: Is Amazon EC2 used in conjunction with Amazon S3?
Yes, Amazon EC2 is used jointly with Amazon S3 for instances with root devices backed by local instance storage. Developers use tools to move AMIs back and forth between EC2 and S3. 
Q: How many instances can I run in Amazon EC2?
Twenty.There are some limitations on On-Demand, Reserved and Spot instances across instance types (table). Use instance request form with use case for more instances.
Q: Are there any limitations in sending email from EC2 instances?
There are limits. Can fill out forms to increase limits.
Q: How quickly can I scale my capacity both up and down?
Within minutes.
Q: What operating system environments are supported?
Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, Gentoo Linux, Oracle Linux, and FreeBSD.   
Q: Does Amazon EC2 use ECC memory?
All hardware under EC2 uses ECC memory.
Q: How is this service different than a plain hosting service?

Q: How will I be charged and billed for my use of Amazon EC2?  
Pay for what you use and no minimum fee. Pricing for instance hours consumed. Partial hours are billed as full hours.
Q: When does billing of my Amazon EC2 systems begin and end?
Billing commences when boot sequence starts and ends when instance terminates.
Q: What defines billable EC2 instance-hours?
"Running state" is billed. Stop or terminate to stop being billed.
Q: If I have two instances in different availability zones, how will I be charged for regional data transfer?
if data is transferred between these two instances, it is charged at "Data Transfer Out from EC2 to Another AWS Region" for the first instance and at "Data Transfer In from Another AWS Region" for the second instance.   
Q. If I have two instances in different regions, how will I be charged for data transfer?
Each instance is charged for its data in and data out at Internet Data Transfer rates.
Q: Do your prices include taxes?

Hardware Information

Q: What kind of hardware will my application stack run on?
Q: How do I select the right instance type?
Amazon EC2 instances are grouped into 5 families: General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, GPU, and Storage Optimized instances.When choosing instance types, you should consider the characteristics of your application with regards to resource utilization (i.e. CPU, Memory, Storage) and select the optimal instance family and instance size.
Q: M1 and M3 standard instances have the same ratio of CPU and memory. When should I use one instance over the other?
Q: What is an “EC2 Compute Unit” and why did you introduce it?
In order to make it easy for developers to compare CPU capacity between different instance types, we have defined an Amazon EC2 Compute Unit. We use several benchmarks and tests to manage the consistency and predictability of the performance from an EC2 Compute Unit. The EC2 Compute Unit (ECU) provides the relative measure of the integer processing power of an Amazon EC2 instance. 
Q: What is the regional availability of Amazon EC2 instance types?


 Q: How do I prevent other people from viewing my systems?
 Security groups. Subnettting. IP blocking. Securing like any other server.
Q: Can I get a history of all EC2 API calls made on my account for security analysis and operational troubleshooting purposes?  

Q: Where can I find more information about security on AWS?


Elastic IP
An Elastic IP address is a static IPv4 address designed for dynamic cloud computing. An Elastic IP address is associated with your AWS account. With an Elastic IP address, you can mask the failure of an instance or software by rapidly remapping the address to another instance in your account.  We currently do not support Elastic IP addresses for IPv6.
Q: Why am I limited to 5 Elastic IP addresses per region?
 IPV4 is scarce. Can request for more.
Q: Why am I charged when my Elastic IP address is not associated with a running instance?
 To ensure efficient use it is charged when not associated to any running instance.
Q: Do I need one Elastic IP address for every instance that I have running?
No. You do not need an Elastic IP address for all your instances. By default, every instance comes with a private IP address and an internet routable public IP address. The private address is associated exclusively with the instance and is only returned to Amazon EC2 when the instance is stopped or terminated. The public address is associated exclusively with the instance until it is stopped, terminated or replaced with an Elastic IP address. These IP addresses should be adequate for many applications where you do not need a long lived internet routable end point. Compute clusters, web crawling, and backend services are all examples of applications that typically do not require Elastic IP addresses.
Q: How long does it take to remap an Elastic IP address?
Several minutes.
Q: Can I configure the reverse DNS record for my Elastic IP address?
 Yes. Apply.

Availability Zones

 Q: How isolated are Availability Zones from one another?
 Each Availability Zone runs on its own physically distinct, independent infrastructure,
Q: Is Amazon EC2 running in more than one region?
Q: How can I make sure that I am in the same Availability Zone as another developer?
 We do not currently support the ability to coordinate launches into the same Availability Zone across AWS developer accounts
Q: If I transfer data between Availability Zones using public IP addresses, will I be charged twice for Regional Data Transfer (once because it’s across zones, and a second time because I’m using public IP addresses)?

No. Regional Data Transfer rates apply if at least one of the following is true, but is only charged once for a given instance even if both are true:
  • The other instance is in a different Availability Zone, regardless of which type of address is used.
  • Public or Elastic IP addresses are used, regardless of which Availability Zone the other instance is in.

Enhanced Networking

Q: Why is Enhanced Networking only supported in Amazon VPC?
Amazon VPC allows us to deliver many advanced networking features to you that are not possible in EC2-Classic. Enhanced Networking is another example of a capability enabled by Amazon VPC.
Q: What networking capabilities are included in this feature?
using SR-IOV (Single Root I/O Virtualization). SR-IOV is a method of device virtualization that provides higher I/O performance and lower CPU utilization
Q: Why should I use Enhanced Networking?
If your applications benefit from high packet-per-second performance and/or low latency networking, Enhanced Networking will provide significantly improved performance, consistence of performance and scalability.
Q: How can I enable Enhanced Networking on supported instances?
In order to enable this feature, you must launch an HVM AMI with the appropriate drivers.
Q: Do I need to pay an additional fee to use Enhanced Networking?
Q: Why is Enhanced Networking only supported in Amazon VPC?
Amazon VPC allows us to deliver many advanced networking features to you that are not possible in EC2-Classic. Enhanced Networking is another example of a capability enabled by Amazon VPC.
Q: Which instance types support Enhanced Networking?
Currently C3, C4, D2, I3, I2 M4, X1 and R3 instances support Enhanced Networking. X1, P2, I3, R4 and m4.16xlarge instances provide the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) interface for Enhanced Networking.
Q. Which instance types offer NVMe instance storage?
High I/O instances use NVMe based local instance storage to deliver very high, low latency, I/O capacity to applications, and are optimized for applications that require millions of IOPS. Like Cluster instances,

Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS)

Q: What happens to my data when a system terminates?
 However, data that is stored on an Amazon EBS volume will persist independently of the life of the will need to set the Delete On Terminate flag to "N" if you want your Amazon EBS volume to persist outside the life of the instance.
Q: What kind of performance can I expect from Amazon EBS volumes?
 provides three volume types: General Purpose (SSD) volumes, Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes, and Magnetic volumes.
Q: What is the EBS General Purpose (SSD) volume type?
 broad range of use-cases such as boot volumes, small and medium size databases, and development and test environments. General Purpose (SSD) volumes deliver a ratio of 3 IOPS per GB, offer single digit millisecond latencies, and also have the ability to burst up to 3000 IOPS for short periods.
Q: Which volume type should I choose?
General Purpose (SSD) is the new, SSD-backed, general purpose EBS volume type that we recommend as the default choice for customers. General Purpose (SSD) volumes are suitable for a broad range of workloads, including small to medium sized databases, development and test environments, and boot volumes. Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes offer storage with consistent and low-latency performance, and are designed for I/O intensive applications such as large relational or NoSQL databases. Magnetic volumes provide the lowest cost per gigabyte of all EBS volume types. Magnetic volumes are ideal for workloads where data is accessed infrequently, and applications where the lowest storage cost is important.
Q: Do you support multiple instances accessing a single volume?
Q: Will I be able to access my EBS snapshots using the regular Amazon S3 APIs?
 No. EBS snapshots are available only through Amazon EC2 APIs.
Q: Do volumes need to be un-mounted in order to take a snapshot? Does the snapshot need to complete before the volume can be used again?
 No and yes. Details...
Q: Are snapshots versioned? Can I read an older snapshot to do a point-in-time recovery?
Q: What charges apply when using Amazon EBS shared snapshots?
 If you make a copy of another user’s shared volume, you will be charged normal EBS rates.
Q: Can users of my Amazon EBS shared snapshots change any of my data?
 Users who have permission to create volumes based on your shared snapshots will first make a copy of the snapshot into their account. Users can modify their own copies of the data,
Q: How can I discover Amazon EBS snapshots that have been shared with me?
 You can find snapshots that have been shared with you by selecting “Private Snapshots” from the viewing dropdown in the Snapshots section of the AWS Management Console
Q: How can I find what Amazon EBS snapshots are shared globally?
 by selecting “Public Snapshots” from the viewing dropdown in the Snapshots section of the AWS Management Console.
Q: Do you offer encryption on Amazon EBS volumes and snapshots?
Q: How can I find a list of Amazon Public Data Sets?

Amazon CloudWatch

 Q: What is the minimum time interval granularity for the data that Amazon CloudWatch receives and aggregates?
 One minute
Q: Which operating systems does Amazon CloudWatch support?
Any supported by EC2 services.
Q: Will I lose the metrics data if I disable monitoring for an Amazon EC2 instance?
.... The two weeks rule ...
Q: Can I access the metrics data for a terminated Amazon EC2 instance or a deleted Elastic Load Balancer?
Yes available for two weeks
Q: Does the Amazon CloudWatch monitoring charge change depending on which type of Amazon EC2 instance I monitor?
Q: Why does the graphing of the same time window look different when I view in 5 minute and 1 minute periods?

Auto Scaling

Q: Can I scale up my Amazon EC2 capacity fast but scale it down slowly?
Q: What happens if a scaling activity causes me to reach my Amazon EC2 limit of instances?
Can't run beyond instance limit.  Complete request form.
Q: What happens to my Amazon EC2 instances if I delete my Auto Scaling Group?
Instances will be terminated and the auto scaling group will be deleted.

Elastic Load Balancing

 Q: What load balancing options does the Elastic Load Balancing service offer?
Classic and Application
Q: When should I use the Classic Load Balancer and when should I use the Application Load Balancer?
Classic ideal for simple load balancing of traffic across multiple EC2 instances. ALB ideal for applications needing advanced routing capabilities , micro services and container based architectures.

Reserved Instances

Q: What is a Reserved Instance?
One or three year commitment. Huge discount
Q: What are the differences between Standard RIs and Convertible RIs?
Can change instancce type during term for convertible instance
Q: Do RIs provide a capacity reservation?
Q: When should I purchase a zonal RI?
To take advantage of capacity reservation
Q: When should I purchase a regional RI?
If capacity reservation not required
Q: What are Availability Zone and instance size flexibility?

Q: What types of RIs provide instance size flexibility?

Q: Do I need to take any action to take advantage of Availability Zone and instance size flexibility?

Q: I own zonal RIs how do I assign them to a region?

Q: How do I purchase an RI?

Q: Can I purchase an RI for a running instance?
Q: Can I control which instances are billed at the discounted rate?
Q: How does instance size flexibility work?
A normalaization factor applied to instance types.
Q: Can I change my RI during its term?
yes, AZ can be changed
Q: Can I change the instance type of my RI during its term?
 yes- convertibel RIs
   Q: What are the different payment options for RIs?

Q: When are RIs activated?  
 Q: Do RIs apply to Spot instances or instances running on a Dedicated Host?
Q: How do RIs work with Consolidated Billing?

Q: Can I get a discount on RI purchases?
yes. 10% off when order is between $4M and $10M
Q: Can you help me understand how volume discounts are applied to my RI purchases?

Q: How do I calculate the list value of an RI?

Q: How are volume discounts calculated if I use Consolidated Billing?

Q: Do Convertible RIs qualify for Volume Discounts?
Q: How do I determine which volume discount tier applies to me?

Q: Will the cost of my RIs change, if my future volume qualifies me for other discount tiers?
Q: Do I need to take any action at the time of purchase to receive volume discounts?


Convertible Reserved Instances

Q: What is a Convertible Reserved Instance?
A Convertible Reserved Instance is a type of Reserved Instance with attributes that can be changed during the term.
Q: When should I purchase a Convertible Reserved Instance instead of a Standard Reserved Instance?
When unsure about instance type
Q: Can I exchange my Convertible Reserved Instance to benefit from a Convertible Reserved Instance matching a different instance type, operating system, tenancy, or payment option? 
Q: Can I transfer a Convertible or Standard Reserved Instance from one region to another?
Q: How do I change the configuration of a Convertible Reserved Instance?
EC2 management console
Q: Do I need to pay a fee when I exchange my Convertible Reserved Instances?
Q: Does the end date change when I exchange a Convertible Reserved Instance?
Q: How do Convertible Reserved Instance exchanges work?

Q: Can you define total value? 

Q: Can you walk me through how the true-up cost is calculated for a conversion between two All Upfront Convertible Reserved Instances?

Q: Can you walk me through a conversion between No Upfront Convertible Reserved Instances?

Q: Can I customize the number of instances that I receive as a result of a Convertible Reserved Instance exchange?
Q: Are there exchange limits for Convertible Reserved Instances?
Q: Do I have the freedom to choose any instance type when I exchange my Convertible Reserved Instances?
Q: Can I upgrade the payment option associated with my Convertible Reserved Instance?
Q: Do Convertible Reserved Instances allow me to benefit from price reductions when they happen?

Reserved Instance Marketplace

Q. What is the Reserved Instance Marketplace?
The Reserved Instance Marketplace is an online marketplace that provides AWS customers the flexibility to sell their Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Reserved Instances to other businesses and organizations
Q. When can I list a Reserved Instance on the Reserved Instance Marketplace?

Q. How will I register as a seller for the Reserved Instance Marketplace?

Q. How will I know when I can start selling on the Reserved Instance Marketplace?

Q. How do I list a Reserved Instance for sale?

Q. Which Reserved Instances can I list for sale?

Q. How are listed Reserved Instances displayed to buyers?

Q. How much of my Reserved Instance term can I list?

Q. Can I remove my Reserved Instance after I’ve listed it for sale?
Q. Which pricing dimensions can I set for the Reserved Instances I want to list?

Q. Can I still use my reservation while it is listed on the Reserved Instance Marketplace?
Q. Can I resell a Reserved Instance that I purchased from the Reserved Instance Marketplace?
Q. Are there any restrictions when selling Reserved Instances?
Q. Can I sell Reserved Instances purchased from the public volume pricing tiers?
Q. Is there a charge for selling Reserved Instances on the Reserved Instance Marketplace?
Q. Can AWS sell subsets of my listed Reserved Instances?
Q. How do buyers pay for Reserved Instances that they've purchased?
Via ACH US bank transfer
Q. When will I receive my money?
Q. If I sell my Reserved Instance in the Reserved Instance Marketplace, will I get refunded for the Premium Support I was charged too?
Q. Will I be notified about Reserved Instance Marketplace activities?
Q. What information is exchanged between the buyer and seller to help with the transaction tax calculation?

Q. Are there any restrictions on the customers when purchasing third-party Reserved Instances?
Q. Do I have to pay for Premium Support when purchasing Reserved Instances from the Reserved Instance Marketplace?

Spot Instances

Q. What is a Spot Instance?
They allow customers to bid on unused EC2 capacity and run those instances for as long as their bid exceeds the current Spot Price. The Spot Price changes periodically based on supply and demand
Q. How is a Spot instance different than an On-Demand instance or Reserved Instance?
Spot instances provide the ability for customers to purchase compute capacity with no upfront commitment, at hourly rates usually lower than the On-Demand rate. Spot instances allow you to specify the maximum hourly price that you are willing to pay to run a particular instance type. Amazon EC2 sets a Spot Price for each instance type in each availability zone, which is the hourly price all customers will pay to run a Spot instance for that given period. The Spot Price fluctuates based on supply and demand for instances, but customers will never pay more than the maximum price they have specified. If the Spot Price moves higher than a customer’s maximum price, the customer’s instance will be shut down by Amazon EC2. Other than those differences, Spot instances perform exactly the same as On-Demand or Reserved Instances. See here for more details on Spot instances.
Q. How do I purchase and start up a Spot instance?

Q. How many Spot instances can I request?

Q. How can I determine the status of my Spot request?

Q. Are Spot instances available for all instance families and sizes and in all regions?

Q. Which operating systems are available as Spot instances?

Q. Are there any features or services of Amazon Web Services that are not supported for use with Spot instances?
Amazon Dev pay not supported
Q. Can I use a Spot instance with a paid AMI for third-party software (such as IBM’s software packages)?
Q. Will I be charged if my Spot instance is terminated by Amazon EC2 before the hour is up?
Q. How often should I expect the Spot price to change?

Q. Will all Spot instances started at the same time be charged the same price?

Q. Will the price I’m charged for a running Spot instance change during its instance-hour as the Spot price changes?
Q. Where can I see my usage history for Spot instances and see how much I was billed?
AWS console
Q. Why do Spot prices differ across accounts for the same instance type, operating system, and Availability Zone?

Q. What is a Spot fleet?
A Spot fleet allows you to automatically bid on and manage multiple Spot instances that provide the lowest price per unit of capacity for your cluster or application, like a batch processing job, a Hadoop workflow, or an HPC grid computing job. You can include the instance types that your application can use, and define a target capacity based on your application needs (in units including instances, vCPUs, memory, storage, or network throughput). Spot fleets enable you to launch and maintain the target capacity, and to automatically request resources to replace any that are disrupted or manually terminated
Q. Is there any additional charge for making Spot fleet requests?
Q. What limits apply to a Spot fleet request?

 Q. What happens if my Spot fleet request tries to launch Spot instances but exceeds my regional Spot request limit?

Q. What happens if my Spot fleet request bid price exceeds my Spot bid price limit for one of the instance types I am requesting?

Q. Are Spot fleet requests guaranteed to be fulfilled?
Q. Can I submit a multi-Availability Zone fleet request?
Q. Can I submit a multi-region Spot fleet request? 
Q. How does Spot fleet allocate resources across the various Spot instance pools specified in the launch specifications?

Q. Can I tag a Spot fleet request?
Q. How can I see which Spot fleet owns my Spot instances?

Q. Can I modify my Spot fleet request?

Q. Can I specify a different AMI for each instance type that I want to use?
Q. Can I use Spot fleet with Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, or Elastic MapReduce?
Only auto scaling
Q. Does a Spot fleet request terminate Spot instances when they are no longer running in the lowest priced Spot pools and relaunch them in the lowest priced pools?
Q: Are Spot blocks (Fixed Duration Spot instances) ever interrupted?
Normally no.   Spot blocks are designed not to be interrupted and will run continuously for the duration you select, independent of Spot market price. In rare situations, Spot blocks may be interrupted due to AWS capacity needs. In these cases, we will provide a two-minute warning before we terminate your instance (termination notice), and you will not be charged for the affected instance(s).          

Micro Instances

Q. How much compute power do Micro instances provide?
Micro instances provide a small amount of consistent CPU resources and allow you to burst CPU capacity up to 2 ECUs when additional cycles are available. They are well suited for lower throughput applications and web sites that consume significant compute cycles periodically but very little CPU at other times for background processes, daemons, etc. Learn more about use of this instance type.

Q. How does a Micro instance compare in compute power to a Standard Small instance?
Q. How can I tell if an application needs more CPU resources than a Micro instance is providing?
The CloudWatch metric for CPU utilization will report 100% utilization if the instance bursts so much that it exceeds its available CPU resources during that CloudWatch monitored minute. CloudWatch reporting 100% CPU utilization is your signal that you should consider scaling – manually or via Auto Scaling – up to a larger instance type or scale out to multiple Micro instances.  
Q. Are all features of Amazon EC2 available for Micro instances? Dev Pay not

Compute-Optimized Instances

Q. When should I use Compute-optimized instances?
Compute-optimized instances are designed for applications that benefit from high compute power. These applications include high performance front-end fleets, web-servers, batch processing, distributed analytics, high performance science and engineering applications, ad serving, MMO gaming, video-encoding, and distributed analytics. 
 Q. Can I launch C4 instances as Amazon EBS-optimized instances?
Q. How can I use the processor state control feature available on the c4.8xlarge instance?

Accelerated Computing Instances

 Q: What are Accelerated Computing Instances?
 Accelerated Computing Instance family is a family of instances which use hardware accelerators, or co-processors, to perform some functions, such as floating point number calculation and graphics processing, more efficiently than is possible in software running on CPUs. Amazon EC2 provides two types of Accelerated Computing Instances – GPU Compute Instances for general-purpose computing and GPU Graphics Instances for graphics intensive applications.
Q. When should I use GPU Graphics and Compute instances?
GPU instances work best for applications with massive parallelism, for example workloads using thousands of threads. Graphics processing is an example with huge computational requirements, where each of the tasks is relatively small, the set of operations performed form a pipeline, and the throughput of this pipeline is more important than the latency of the individual operations. To be able build applications that exploit this level of parallelism one needs GPU device specific knowledge by understanding how to program against various graphics APIs (DirectX, OpenGL) or GPU compute programming models (CUDA, OpenCL)            
Q. How are G2 instances different from CG1 instances?
Q. How are P2 instances different from G2 instances?
P2 instances use NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPUs and are designed for general purpose GPU computing using the CUDA or OpenCL programming models. P2 instances provide customers with high bandwidth 20Gbps networking, powerful single and double precision floating-point capabilities, and error-correcting code (ECC) memory, making them ideal for deep learning, high performance databases, computational fluid dynamics, computational finance, seismic analysis, molecular modeling, genomics, rendering, and other server-side GPU compute workloads.            
  Q. What APIs and programming models are supported by GPU Graphics and Compute instances?
Q. Where do I get NVIDIA drivers for CG1, G2 and P2 instances?
Q. Which AMIs can I use with P2 and G2 instances?
Q. Where do I get the NVIDIA GRID SDK?
Q. Does the use of G2 instances require third-party licenses?
Q. Why am I unable to see the GPU when using Microsoft Remote Desktop?

Cluster Instances

Q. What is a Cluster Compute Instance?
Cluster Compute Instances combine high compute resources with a high performance networking for High Performance Compute (HPC) applications and other demanding network-bound applications. Cluster Compute Instances provide similar functionality to other Amazon EC2 instances but have been specifically engineered to provide high performance networking. 
  Amazon EC2 cluster placement group functionality allows users to group Cluster Compute Instances in clusters – allowing applications to get the low-latency network performance necessary for tightly-coupled node-to-node communication typical of many HPC applications. Cluster Compute Instances also provide significantly increased network throughput both within the Amazon EC2 environment and to the Internet. As a result, these instances are also well suited for customer applications that need to perform network-intensive operations.   
Q. What kind of network performance can I expect when I launch instances in cluster placement group?
Q. What is a Cluster GPU Instance?
Q. What is a High Memory Cluster Instance?
Q. Does use of Cluster Compute and Cluster GPU Instances differ from other Amazon EC2 instance types?
Q. What is a cluster placement group?
Q. Are all features of Amazon EC2 available for Cluster Compute and Cluster GPU Instances?
Q. Is there a limit on the number of Cluster Compute or Cluster GPU Instances I can use and/or the size of cluster I can create by launching Cluster Compute Instances or Cluster GPU into a cluster placement group?
Q. Are there any ways to optimize the likelihood that I receive the full number of instances I request for my cluster via a cluster placement group?
Q. Can Cluster GPU and Cluster Compute Instances be launched into a single cluster placement group?
Q. If an instance in a cluster placement group is stopped then started again, will it maintain its presence in the cluster placement group? yes

High I/O Instances

Q. What is a High I/O instance?
High I/O instances use NVMe based local instance storage to deliver very high, low latency, I/O capacity to applications, and are optimized for applications that require millions of IOPS. Like Cluster instances, High I/O instances can be clustered via cluster placement groups for high bandwidth networking.
Q. Are all features of Amazon EC2 available for High I/O instances?
Q. Is there a limit on the number of High I/O instances I can use?
Q. How many IOPS can i3.16.xlarge instances deliver?
Q. How many IOPS can hi1.4xlarge instances deliver?
Q. What is the sequential throughput of i3 instances?
Q. What is the sequential throughput of hi1.4xlarge instances?
Q. AWS has other database and Big Data offerings. When or why should I use High I/O instances?
High I/O instances are ideal for applications that require access to millions of low latency IOPS, and can leverage data stores and architectures that manage data redundancy and availability. Example applications are:

  • NoSQL databases like Cassandra and MongoDB
  • In-memory databases like Aerospike
  • Elasticsearch and analytics workloads
  • OLTP systems
Q. Do High I/O instances provide any failover mechanisms or redundancy?
Like other Amazon EC2 instance types, instance storage on i3.16xlarge instances persists during the life of the instance. Customers are expected to build resilience into their applications.  
Q. Do High I/O instances support TRIM?
The TRIM command allows the operating system to inform SSDs which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped internally. In the absence of TRIM, future write operations to the involved blocks can slow down significantly. I3 instances support TRIM. 


Burstable Performance Instances

Q: How are Burstable Performance Instances different?
Amazon EC2 allows you to choose between Fixed Performance Instances (e.g. M3, C3, and R3) and Burstable Performance Instances (e.g. T2). Burstable Performance Instances provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst above the baseline. T2 instances are for workloads that don’t use the full CPU often or consistently, but occasionally need to burst.

T2 instances’ baseline performance and ability to burst are governed by CPU Credits. Each T2 instance receives CPU Credits continuously, the rate of which depends on the instance size. T2 instances accrue CPU Credits when they are idle, and use CPU credits when they are active. A CPU Credit provides the performance of a full CPU core for one minute. The following table shows the maximum credit balance and baseline performance for each T2 instance size. Each vCPU of a T2 instance can consume CPU Credits at a maximum rate of 60 per hour when bursting to full core performance.

Many applications such as web servers, developer environments and small databases don’t need consistently high levels of CPU, but benefit significantly from having full access to very fast CPUs when they need them. T2 instances are engineered specifically for these use cases. If you need consistently high CPU performance for applications such as video encoding, high volume websites or HPC applications, we recommend you use Fixed Performance Instances. T2 instances are designed to perform as if they have dedicated high-speed Intel cores available when your application really needs CPU performance, while protecting you from the variable performance or other common side effects you might typically see from over-subscription in other environments.

Q. How do I choose the right Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for my t2.nano instances?
Q: When should I choose a Burstable Performance Instance, such as T2?
Workloads ideal for Burstable Performance Instances (e.g., web servers, developer environments, and small databases) don’t use the full CPU often or consistently, but occasionally need to burst. If your application requires sustained high CPU performance, we recommend our Fixed Performance Instances, such as M3, C3, and R3.
Q: How can I see the CPU Credit balance for each T2 instance?
Q: What happens to CPU performance if my T2 instance is running low on credits (CPU Credit balance is near zero)?
If your T2 instance has a zero CPU Credit balance, performance will remain at baseline CPU performance. For example, the t2.micro provides baseline CPU performance of 10% of a physical CPU core. If your instance’s CPU Credit balance is approaching zero, CPU performance will be lowered to baseline performance over a 15-minute interval.
Q: Does my T2 instance credit balance persist a stop / start?
No, a stopped instance does not retain its previously earned credit balance.
Q: Can T2 instances be purchased as Reserved Instances or Spot Instances?

On-Demand instances and Reserved Instances are the only purchase options available for T2 instances.
Q: How is T2 different from the T1?
Compared to the t1.micro, the t2.micro features better CPU performance, more memory, and lower prices. The T2 family also offers more than one size.

Q. What is a Dense-storage Instance?
Dense-storage instances are designed for workloads that require high sequential read and write access to very large data sets, such as Hadoop distributed computing, massively parallel processing data warehousing, and log processing applications. The Dense-storage instances offer the best price/GB-storage and price/disk-throughput across other EC2 instances.

Q. How do Dense-storage instances compare to High I/O instances? 
High I/O instances (I2) are targeted at workloads that demand low latency and high random I/O in addition to moderate storage density and provide the best price/IOPS across other EC2 instance types. Dense-storage instances (D2) are optimized for applications that require high sequential read/write access and low cost storage for very large data sets and provide the best price/GB-storage and price/disk-throughput across other EC2 instances.
Q. How much disk throughput can Dense-storage instances deliver?

Q. Do Dense-storage instances provide any failover mechanisms or redundancy?

The primary data storage for Dense-storage instances is HDD-based instance storage. Like all instance storage, these storage volumes persist only for the life of the instance. Hence, we recommend that you build a degree of redundancy (e.g. RAID 1/5/6) or use file systems (e.g. HDFS and MapR-FS) that support redundancy and fault tolerance. 

Q. How do Dense-storage instances differ from Amazon EBS?
Amazon EBS offers simple, elastic, reliable (replicated), and persistent block level storage for Amazon EC2 while abstracting the details of the underlying storage media in use. Amazon EC2 instance storage provides directly attached non-persistent, high performance storage building blocks that can be used for a variety of storage applications. Dense-storage instances are specifically targeted at customers who want high sequential read/write access to large data sets on local storage, e.g. for Hadoop distributed computing and massively parallel processing data warehousing.
 Q. Can I launch D2 instances as Amazon EBS-optimized instances?

Q. Are Dense-storage instances offered in EC2 Classic?

The current generation of Dense-storage instances (D2 instances) can be launched in both EC2-Classic and Amazon VPC. However, by launching a Dense-storage instance into a VPC, you can leverage a number of features that are available only on the Amazon VPC platform – such as enabling enhanced networking, assigning multiple private IP addresses to your instances, or changing your instances' security groups

Q. When should I use Memory-optimized instances?
Memory-optimized instances offer large memory size for memory intensive applications including in-memory applications, in-memory databases, in-memory analytics solutions, High Performance Computing (HPC), scientific computing, and other memory-intensive applications.

Q. When should I use X1 instances?
X1 instances are ideal for running in-memory databases like SAP HANA, big data processing engines like Apache Spark or Presto, and high performance computing (HPC) applications. X1 instances are certified by SAP to run production environments of the next-generation Business Suite S/4HANA, Business Suite on HANA (SoH), Business Warehouse on HANA (BW), and Data Mart Solutions on HANA on the AWS cloud.
 Q. What are the key specifications of Intel E7 Haswell processors that power X1 instances?
 X1 is the first Amazon EC2 instance type that is powered by four 2.3 GHz Intel® Xeon® E7 8880 v3 (Haswell) processors, which are optimized for enterprise and database workloads. The E7 processors have  
Q. Do X1 instances enable CPU power management state control?
Q: What operating systems are supported on X1 instances?
Q. What storage options are available for X1 customers?
X1 instances offer SSD based instance store, which is ideal for temporary storage of information such as logs, buffers, caches, temporary tables, temporary computational data, and other temporary content. X1 instance store provides the best I/O performance when you use a Linux kernel that supports persistent grants, an extension to the Xen block ring protocol.
X1 instances are EBS-optimized by default and offer up to 10 Gbps of dedicated bandwidth to EBS volumes. EBS offers multiple volume types to support a wide variety of workloads. For more information see the EC2 User Guid           
Q. How do I build cost-effective failover solution on X1 instances?
You can design simple and cost-effective failover solutions on X1 instances using Amazon EC2 Auto Recovery, an Amazon EC2 feature that is designed to better manage failover upon instance impairment.

Q. Are there standard SAP HANA reference deployment frameworks available for the X1 instance and the AWS cloud?
You can use the AWS Quick Start reference HANA deployments to rapidly deploy

Q. What are FPGAs and why do I need them?
FPGAs are programmable integrated circuits that you can configure using software. By using FPGAs you can accelerate your applications up to 30x when compared with servers that use CPUs alone. And, FPGAs are reprogrammable, so you get the flexibility to update and optimize your hardware acceleration without having to redesign the hardware.
Q. What is Amazon EC2 F1?
Amazon EC2 F1 is a compute instance with programmable hardware you can use for application acceleration. The new F1 instance type provides a high performance, easy to access FPGA for developing and deploying custom hardware accelerations.
Q. How does F1 compare with traditional FPGA solutions?
Q: What is an Amazon FPGA Image (AFI)?
Q. How do I list my hardware acceleration on the AWS Marketplace?
Q. What is available with F1 instances?
Q. Do I need to be an FPGA expert to use an F1 instance? no

Q. I’m an FPGA developer, how do I get started with F1 instances?
Q. I’m not an FPGA developer, how do I get started with F1 instances?
Q. Does AWS provide a developer kit? yes
Q. Can I use the HDK in my on-premises development environment?
Q. Can I add an FPGA to any EC2 instance type?
No. Today, the F1 instance comes in two instance sizes f1.2xlarge and f1.16 xlarge. For detailed specifications click here.  

Q: Why don’t I see M1, C1, CC2, HI1, CG1, and HS1 instances on the pricing pages any more?
These have been moved to the Previous Generation Instance page.
Q: Are these Previous Generation instances still being supported? yes
Q: Can I still use/add more Previous Generation instances? yes
Q: Are my Previous Generation instances going to be deleted? no
Q: Are Previous Generation instances being discontinued soon? no plans. may be
Q: Will my Previous Generation instances I purchased as a Reserved Instance be affected or changed?


Q. What is VM Import/Export?
VM Import/Export enables customers to import Virtual Machine (VM) images in order to create Amazon EC2 instances. Customers can also export previously imported EC2 instances to create VMs. Customers can use VM Import/Export to leverage their previous investments in building VMs by migrating their VMs to Amazon EC2.

Q. What operating systems are supported?
Q. What virtual machine file formats are supported? You can import VMware ESX VMDK images, Citrix Xen VHD images, Microsoft Hyper-V VHD images and RAW images as Amazon EC2 instances.
Q. What is VMDK?
VMDK is a file format that specifies a virtual machine hard disk encapsulated within a single file. It is typically used by virtual IT infrastructures such as those sold by VMware, Inc.
Q. How do I prepare a VMDK file for import using the VMware vSphere client?
Q. What is VHD?
VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) is a file format that that specifies a virtual machine hard disk encapsulated within a single file. The VHD image format is used by virtualization platforms such as Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix Xen.
Q. How do I prepare a VHD file for import from Citrix Xen?
Q. How do I prepare a VHD file for import from Microsoft Hyper-V?
Q. Are there any other requirements when importing a VM into Amazon EC2?
Q. Does the virtual machine need to be configured in any particular manner to enable import to Amazon EC2?
Q. How do I import a virtual machine to an Amazon EC2 instance?
Q. How do I export an Amazon EC2 instance back to my on-premise virtualization environment?
Q. Are there any other requirements when exporting an EC2 instance using VM Import/Export?
Q. Can I export Amazon EC2 instances that have one or more EBS data volumes attached?
Q. What does it cost to import a virtual machine?
Q. What does it cost to export a virtual machine?
Q. When I import a VM of Windows Server 2003 or 2008, who is responsible for supplying the operating system license?
Q. Can I continue to use the AWS-provided Microsoft Windows license key after exporting an EC2 instance back to my on-premise virtualization environment? no

Q. When I import a VM with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), who is responsible for supplying the operating system license?

Q. How long does it take to import a virtual machine?
Q. In which Amazon EC2 regions can I use VM Import/Export?
Visit the Region Table page to see product service availability by region.

Q. How many simultaneous import or export tasks can I have?
Each account can have up to five active import tasks and five export tasks per region.
Q. Can I run imported virtual machines in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?
Yes, you can launch imported virtual machines within Amazon VPC.
Q. Can I use the AWS Management Console with VM Import/Export?
No. VM Import/Export commands are available via EC2 CLI and API. You can also use the AWS Management Portal for vCenter to import VMs into Amazon EC2. Once imported, the resulting instances are available for use via the AWS Management Console.

Q. Can I use my existing Windows Server license with EC2?
Yes you can.
Q. What software licenses can I bring to the Windows environment?
Specific software license terms vary from vendor to vendor.

Q. How am I billed for my use of Amazon EC2 running IBM?
You pay only for what you use and there is no minimum fee. Pricing is per instance-hour consumed for each instance type. Partial instance-hours consumed are billed as full hours. Data transfer for Amazon EC2 running IBM is billed and tiered separately from Amazon EC2. For Amazon EC2 running IBM pricing information, please visit the pricing section on the Amazon EC2 running IBM detail page.

Q. What does your Amazon EC2 Service Level Agreement guarantee?
Our SLA guarantees a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.95% for Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS within a Region.
Q. How do I know if I qualify for a SLA Service Credit?
You are eligible for a SLA credit for either Amazon EC2 or Amazon EBS (whichever was Unavailable, or both if both were Unavailable) if the Region that you are operating in has an Monthly Uptime Percentage of less than 99.95% during any monthly billing cycle. For full details on all of the terms and conditions of the SLA, as well as details on how to submit a claim, please see



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